Thursday, May 25, 2017

Americana Decor

With Memorial Day coming up, I decided to break out my "America decor." What was once reserved for Independence Day, now comes out late May and sticks around until mid's now "Summer decor." I don't do beach stuff, so this alternative is more my style. How can you have red white and blue everywhere and not feel overwhelmed? The trick is not to heavily saturate any one area. I use a lot of my spring decor actually, and I pull some stuff out, and insert my stars and stripes. Put away any color, because much can clash with red. I use a deep red and a navy blue, with cream. Bright Americana is too much for my simple style.

Our front door, with our magnolia leaf wreath. I just stuck in a couple flags. The look is simple, but I love the contrast.

Again, I took my spring table and rearranged it a bit, and stuck in my painted mason jars and placed a couple flags.

Added red, white, and blue pip berries to my flowers, and placed the metal flag in the greenery.

Swapped out the pinkish tulips for cream, and added another flag.

Kitchen table, just added patriotic pinwheels.

Kitchen corner. Cream tulips and more pinwheels.

My next step is the back patio, but that will have to wait for another day. Happy Memorial Day weekend!!!


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