Saturday, January 28, 2017

Antique Window Project

Yay! Project time!

It's been awhile since I've had a project to do. With a newborn, homeschooling a kindergartner, and stubborn as-all-get-out 3 year old, I have had a lot on my plate...which comes with a fair amount of stress. I needed something creative to do to relax. What better than making something pretty for the house?

I have always loved the look of those antique window frames used as wall decor. Examples:::

Unfortunately, with most things I like, the cost for a true vintage window (especially the size one I wanted) would cost around $75 at least.

So, as usual, it was off to Hobby Lobby for supplies so I could make my own version for less.

Wood...frame and cross pieces

Initial frame

Laying out the look before I break out my saw

All paint

First layer of paint, white...then gray paint, a crackle glaze, sanding, and lastly antiquing technique 

Finished product on the wall

Close up sample of the frame's layers

Added wreath

The full effect
I bought the wood, 2 paint colors, the crackle glaze, and a pack of sponge brushes. (Antiquing paint I already owned.) Grand total: $33.

I am very pleased with the results and I look forward to the next project that pops up! 

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