Saturday, January 28, 2017

Antique Window Project

Yay! Project time!

It's been awhile since I've had a project to do. With a newborn, homeschooling a kindergartner, and stubborn as-all-get-out 3 year old, I have had a lot on my plate...which comes with a fair amount of stress. I needed something creative to do to relax. What better than making something pretty for the house?

I have always loved the look of those antique window frames used as wall decor. Examples:::

Unfortunately, with most things I like, the cost for a true vintage window (especially the size one I wanted) would cost around $75 at least.

So, as usual, it was off to Hobby Lobby for supplies so I could make my own version for less.

Wood...frame and cross pieces

Initial frame

Laying out the look before I break out my saw

All paint

First layer of paint, white...then gray paint, a crackle glaze, sanding, and lastly antiquing technique 

Finished product on the wall

Close up sample of the frame's layers

Added wreath

The full effect
I bought the wood, 2 paint colors, the crackle glaze, and a pack of sponge brushes. (Antiquing paint I already owned.) Grand total: $33.

I am very pleased with the results and I look forward to the next project that pops up! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Love Affair With The Candlesticks Continues...

After the nativity scene came down, I needed to figure out how I wanted to configure my diningroom table with my new lovely candlesticks.

The last piece of my design plan arrived today, and it's safe to say, I love it.
(Excuse the cell phone pictures, my youngest has been fussy all day, so it's amazing I could do it all.)

The front view. Candlesticks, mercury glass votives, wood coasters, burlap table runner, and the newest addition: pip berry candle rings.

My favorite votive...reminds me of Oma's house.

All very simple, but effective.

I think the wood coasters add a real rustic edge I love.

Here you can see how the tablescape ties into the collection of vintage botanical prints I have on the wall. 

The decorative edge on the burlap runner adds a bit of delicateness needed for a diningroom, but still keeping things causal.  

Close up on the pip berry rings...I love the collection of colors in the rings. Also, another angle on the votives, every one is different.

And one last shot of the pip berries. :)

Ok, I promise this will be the last post on the candlestick decor...for now. ;-) Thanks for indulging me!