Thursday, January 31, 2019

Quilted Wood Wall Art

New year freshen up continues with a small project. My little hall that leads from the front part of the house to the back part is a fun place to decorate. My goal is to choose some unexpected and interesting wall decor, and for awhile it was the place of my first tobacco baskets. The thing is, it's a narrow hall, and baskets stick out a fair amount. After about the 9th time of picking up my baskets and fixing them back on the wall, I got to thinking..."What else can I put here?" What I came up with something I could not find, so therefore, I need to make it.

I envisioned a set of 2 wall hangings of pieces of wood, patterned to make a wood-quilt-like design. I had pretty specific dimensions in mind, so when I found nearly an exact match, I grabbed it...actually, I added it to my online cart and received it at my front door a couple days later. Here are my 2 blank frame wall signs:

Smaller sign

Larger sign

Then I ordered boxes and boxes of pre-cut geometric wood shapes.



and Diamonds

I then arranged the shapes on my blank frames to my preferred pattern and had to figure out a color scheme.

I had to use the computer to help plan out a color layout...this is the 3rd attempt and the one I went with
Wood glue, time, and patience; and I got all the pieces on the board. I do wonder if I should have put the color on first, but I really needed to gauge the size of the pattern and the number of pieces I needed before coloring, and once I got them all on and centered, I did not want to dump them all off. I did color them with watered down acrylic paints. This way, the wood texture and tones were still visible through the color, giving it a more stained-wood look over a painted-wood look. I was very pleased with the results.

I recommend this craft project, but it will require some creativity and some patience (not to mention some money for all those shapes!) The smaller the frame and bigger the pieces, the faster and cheaper the project. It's a great look and is completely custom and unique to your house. My favorite kind of decor.

-M.Lewis (IG @Designontheside)